Monday, June 18, 2007

Aging Younger Is a Lifestyle

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Hormones may affect our Immune system.
Think of Illness developing in layers. Often, years of physical, biochemical and emotional upsets deplete the body of nutrients; cause the accumulation of toxic metals and acid waste. This causes disease of all sorts and an imbalance of the body. There is no such thing as a silver bullet to fix all problems; so a well-rounded program is necessary. A good example of body imbalance is to look at hormones. It will make the overall picture much more effective.

Over time biochemical and emotional upsets cause an imbalance of hormones and in other ways, disturb the entire body balance. These insults are added to deficiencies; such as unhealthy water consumption and toxicity of the body, with which everyone today is subjected to environmentally as well as through our food supply. Healing is first, understanding all of these unhealthy processes and second, a slow reversal of them.

The Anti-Aging Clinic Assoc., Inc’s., program, is concerned with healing deep imbalances and not simply, temporarily removing the symptoms. Symptom removal may occur faster in some, but often does not address root causes.

For a good explanation of this, think of symptom removal from synthetic pharmaceutical drugs. Often times we hear of side effects that occur, that can be worse than the symptom itself.

When you keep in mind that the body does not deal with synthetics very well and keeping your mind focused on natural to the body products and treatments that have proven results over time; then you have described the agenda of the Anti-Aging Clinic Assoc., Inc., in Lauderhill, Florida.

Speaking briefly about synthetics; doctors in the medical sickness industry were caught with their hands a little dirty, prescribing synthetic hormone replacement therapy to their patients. You may recall the national findings of the study from the Women’s Health Initiative, reported on July 9, 2002.

These findings were; that pharmaceutical “synthetic” hormones were causing breast and uterine cancer, stroke, venous thrombosis, colon cancer and brittle bones that lead to more fractures.

The doctors who were prescribing these synthetic hormone drugs quickly bailed out of this dilemma and some began trying to adapt our wellness industry bioidentical hormone replacement therapy into their practice. When doctors were doing this, it was with the general mindset that their patients believe the doctor is always right and would never doubt his or her experience or, in-experience as in this case.

Doctors began dispensing one size fit all topical hormone cream programs after taking a blood test to discover the hormone levels. A single blood test is inferior to our 11-panel saliva test taken over a one-month period, because blood is only a snapshot of time and tracking a cycle takes an entire month.

Creams are applied topically and tend to collect in the muscle over time, which build up and release irregularly and often producing other symptoms due to the increase of that particular hormone.

Their thinking was that, BHRT is a one size fit all program, like they were told, the “synthetic” Hormone Replacement Therapy was supposed to be, as instructed by their pharmaceutical representative.

Let’s make it clear; there is no one-size fit all anything. The one-size fit all BHRT creams prescribed by physicians have an in-accurate release and with a single blood sample, the doctor can’t possibly know what the woman needs and he or she is using guess work for something that is very critical to each woman.

Women who have all of those awful mood swings, depression, hypertension, anxiety, anger, hot flashes and night sweats are candidates for our BHRT program.

These symptoms can be corrected with the proper method of testing and dispensing of BHRT, not creams but “in micronized lozenges”, which are absorbed completely under the tongue, not irregularly through the skin. Often, our BHRT program can be accomplished via the mail by reviewing our website directions at:

The HMO's pay for a patient's visits to doctors in the sickness industry but not usually for the natural to the body bioidentical hormones; because this is considered prevention and insurance companies are typically not in favor of paying for preventing disease.

Every girl or woman, who balances their hormones, will exponentially decrease her risks of cervical or breast cancer.

There is growing evidence suggesting that hormones, including sex hormones, can affect and be affected by the immune system. For example, both estrogen and progesterone, two important female sex hormones, may suppress some immune activity. During pregnancy, estrogen and progesterone levels are very high, which may help explain why pregnant women with Multiple Sclerosis usually have less disease activity. The higher levels of testosterone in men may partially account for the fact that women with MS outnumber men with MS by 2 or 3 to 1.

The doctors are still clamoring to distance themselves from the “synthetic” hormones and they see BHRT as their way out. Experience or knowledge of the process is not seen as necessary because BHRT is natural to the body and they have always seen that our natural products do not make negative front-page news, as their pharmaceutical drugs do, on occasion.

Balancing hormones, detoxifying the body, drinking our high pH alkaline water from our “Aging younger” water Ionizer and adapting a healthy diet and taking verifiable nutritional supplements is now well known, to not only improve the quality of life, but also prolong life.

Our clients are not made out of money and we explain to them the body physiology insofar as good health maintenance is concerned and we help them do so in layers, so as not to break the bank.

We provide a website that will provoke questions you should be seeking and the answers to those questions that you disserve.

Sacrificing your good health to provide for your family can be seen as spending your family’s future is some ways. What would they do if you got sick and could not go to work? What would your boss do? Would you even have a job left?

Always remember beauty cannot exist on the outside without good health on the inside first and without your health, you don’t need the money.

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Presented by David & Stephanie Tippie the directors and founders of the Anti-Aging Clinic research and development Association. We open centers and transfer to distributors in the US market. David & Stephanie have been medical researchers for the past 20 years. They opened their research center in 2001 to pursue the natural alternatives to the medical industry. The Tippie's have been interviewed numerous times by the television and hundreds of print media such as Forbes; all can be reviewed on our website:
David is quoted in the book titled Reverse Skin Aging by Dr. Loren Pickart, PhD. The Tippie's have a weekly radio program titled: Aging Younger, on BlogTalk Radio at this website: . Our contact phone is: 954-742-4430