Thursday, November 19, 2009

Correcting the myths and misconceptions of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy!

Listen to internet radio with Agingyounger on Blog Talk Radio
Hello I am David Tippie and because I am the person that will ultimately begin and complete the follow up for all BHRT hormone clients and have many years of study about hormone therapy, I saw the need to comment on the hormone cream perception. First I want you to know that years earlier, in the beginning I was lead in the wrong direction several different times, just the same as you may be at this time and it took me years of study with the right professionals, who are directly in this industry, to help me through the misconceptions that was always represented by some doctor or PhD; so you are not alone.

I am going to give you the facts about bioidentical hormone replacement therapy as well as the cream application of bioidentical hormones, so you will not be confined to the remarks of some doctor, or even Suzanne Somers’ who is grossly misinformed. These doctors represent the thinking of the same misinformed doctors who prescribed the one size fit all- chemicalized -man made synthetic Progestin that causes breast and uterine cancer. Notice the spelling P-r-o-g-e-s-t-i-n. This is because the drug companies wanted you to think it was the same as the real natural progesterone, and since you may be involved with the creams I feel may be informed of this fact, but if not, you should be.

To describe why so many medical sickness industry doctors seem to be jumping on the bioidentical hormone replacement therapy band wagon and I might add, making a complete shambles of it, is, doctors in the medical sickness industry were caught with their hands a little dirty, prescribing patentable man made synthetic hormone replacement therapy to their patients “progestin” and “premarin”, made from pregnant mares urine. You may recall the national findings of the study from the Women’s Health Initiative, reported on July 9, 2002.

These findings found; that pharmaceutical “synthetic” man made hormones were causing breast and uterine cancer, stroke, venous thrombosis, colon cancer and brittle bones that lead to more fractures. Overnight 13 million women were taken off the synthetic hormones and the doctors were instructed by their pharmaceutical reps to give the women SSRI’s (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) in their place. Their flawed reasoning was, due to the fact that there was no real chemical imbalance (which is an absolute lie), women's problems are mental, not chemical, their problems are all in their brain, the doctors were told.

The SSRI’s only blew out the information in the brain by destroying dendrite cells for a short while, until those receptor were destroyed, then a different SSRI was needed to be prescribed, to start the process over in another area of the brain and so on; bringing on dementia, not solving any problem, and certainly not addressing the chemical imbalance.

The doctors who were prescribing these synthetic hormone drugs quickly bailed out of this dilemma, to keep from looking even worse than they already do and began to prescribe the SSRI’s (as instructed by the pharma rep) after the report was released and some began trying to adapt to our wellness industry bioidentical hormone replacement therapy program and added it to their practice. When doctors were doing this, it was with the general mindset that their patients believe the doctor is always right and would never doubt his or her experience, or, in-experience, as is in this case.

Doctors began dispensing one size fit all topical BHRT hormone cream programs after taking a blood test (that is completely inferior to saliva) to discover the hormone levels. First: Blood sampling is completely wrong for hormone testing, because it is only capturing a mille-second in time. Plus blood is centrifuged and the red and white blood cells are removed. Red blood cells are the binding protein that transports the hormones and thus were not even considered in blood testing. A woman cycles from her first period until she dies, no matter what a doctor has removed from her she still cycles and to properly test her, she must collect 11-saliva samples over the course of a 30-day period to accurately see her shortfalls and overproduction of any hormone so that a program can be designed specifically for her.

Hormone Creams are applied topically and are wrong applications because they tend to collect in the muscle and fat over time, which causes build up and they release irregularly and often producing other symptoms due to the irregular release of an unknown amount of that particular hormone. This is simular to choosing the shotgun as the weapon of choice to kill a spider, there is absolutely no accuracy and the overkill creates a host of new problems, collateral damage so to speak.

The doctor’s thinking is, that BHRT is a one size fit all program, like they were told that the “synthetic” Hormone Replacement Therapy was supposed to be, and as instructed by their pharmaceutical representative; they went blindly charging ahead without proper training; and believe me training in this industry is vital.

Let’s make it clear; there is no one-size fit all anything. The one-size fit all BHRT creams prescribed by physicians have an in-accurate release which adds to the mistake, of a single blood sample. The doctor can’t possibly know what the woman needs and he or she is using guess work for something that is very critical and specific to each woman, because they are all different.

Women who have all of those awful mood swings, depression, hypertension, anxiety, anger, hot flashes and night sweats are candidates for the Anti-Aging Clinic Assoc., Inc’s correct BHRT program, which is proper saliva testingm 11-panels, analyzing of a 16-page questionnaire they provide at the beginning and then micronized BHRT lozenges designed “specifically” for each woman. You can find more information at this website:
By: David Tippie-Nature-O-Path

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Dr. Dean Edell is illiterate

Listen to internet radio with Agingyounger on Blog Talk Radio
Dr. Dean Edell is an illiterate in natural health alternatives and is giving advice to people as to their effectiveness and that silver should be taken off the market.

Dr. Dean Edell’s article is located on and the address is here: (

I sent an email to and stated the following:
Pure OSH ionic sliver is the healthiest substance you can put into your body or, a pregnant woman's fetus. You have an opinion from a medical pharmacology trained doctor about a substance that is part of the wellness industry, which he has not received training or education. He obviously has no training in anything natural and will have no education to pass on to your readers in this area.

Please review my website to become informed of the differences between conidial silver and ionized pure ionic OSH silver here: and allow me to inform your readers as to the science facts,, not the doctor's fiction, so they will be empowered with knowledge to make their own choices.

Dr. Edell’s un-informed comments are as follows:

The question was asked by a Health visitor:
Is Colloidal Silver Safe For Sick Pregnant Woman?
Posting Date: 02/08/1999
Beth: My friend is six months pregnant and has been sick from different viruses and a sinus infection during her pregnancy. A friend told her that colloidal silver would help her. Can you tell us if it is safe and what it does?

Dr. Dean: Why is it that so many of us are willing to give credibility to and are willing to risk taking something very dangerous to our health, just on the recommendation of a friend, or a friend of a friend?

The un-informed Dr. Dean’s comment:
Tell her to absolutely not go near this, unless, of course, she wants to have a silver baby, which I highly doubt. No one should take this, let alone, a pregnant woman. I have never seen anything published establishing the safety of colloidal silver.

The use of colloidal silver dates back well before WWII. Silver has a reputation from the past of being an antiseptic, which it is. They also used silver in the form of silver nitrate and placed it in the eyes of newborns to prevent trachoma and other eye infections. The dosages they used were low and not likely to be dangerous.

A listener in the Northeast calls us to warn others about the damage that results from taking colloidal silver whenever she hears us discussing it on the show. Her skin has turned permanently silver from taking it, a result of the deposition of the silver in her skin. She looks like a Tin Man. If you take too much of it, that can and will happen. She is continually pestering Congress to have it outlawed.

You'll hear it mentioned among the health food set, by people constantly searching for new things to peddle to people who don't need them.

Our bodies are perfectly capable of taking care of a flu or a cold. In this country, we think that we have to treat every little thing, and we doctors are just as guilty of this as the public is.
Your friend must not go near that product. It should be taken off of the market and that's all there is to it.

Note to media: Please seek the proper professionals to provide your column, television or website with correct science; you will look far more credible to an informed public.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Rejuvenis OSH Silver -Antiviral-Antibacterial-Antimicrobial

Listen to internet radio with Agingyounger on Blog Talk Radio
Though we can make no “disease” "treatment" or "cure" claims for our Rejuvenis OSH Silver, you would be wise to investigate how effective it is for yourself and ask why ionic silver is being pursued by the powers that be, to remove it from the market place. The government controlled agencies are attacking all of in the wellness industry for the slightest claims of any nature to insure that your family gets the vaccines that are being fast tracked with a 7-billion dollar grant of tax payer money and, they have been awarded total immunity from error or harm that it may cause.

How Rejuvenis OSH Silver may kill pathogenic microorganisms or virus is not going to be discussed by us, if Andrew Wiles can be attacked by the wellness haters in government who back the pharmaceutical companies, then we could certainly be on their radar screen. So we will never make the claim that Rejuvenis OSH Silver treats or cures anything and especially right now with the billions the government has granted Big Pharma to make vaccines, for H1N1 swine flu. Nope, we are going to remove ourselves from the radar screen.

Our products can be helping your family members today just click on the our website or call, 954-742-440 About the Anti-Aging Clinic Assoc., Inc. The Anti-Aging Clinic is the most researched and well thought out wellness and beauty institute the world has ever been introduced to that is so unique it has an unfair advantage over the competition.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Listen to internet radio with Agingyounger on Blog Talk Radio
If you want to live a long healthy life, you have to realize that there will always be people who will take advantage of the innocent and the weak such as the pharmaceutical companies do in their advertising to the public. If you don’t want to be a victim, it is wise to stay alert and be aware of exactly what they are saying to you, which may well be hoaxes. And when it comes to your health, you should separate yourself from these medical hoaxes. If you want to live a long and healthy life, you would want to stay away from synthetic drugs, synthetic food, synthetic anything and replace it with Mother Nature's Naturals.

Reveratrol is in the headlines and its effectiveness. Reveratrol is an antioxidant that is found mainly in red grapes, peanuts, and blueberries. It can also be produced synthetically using Japanese knotweed, although synthetics are not what we advise as improvement of health. Many experts have gone public with the benefits of Reveratrol. They have said that Reveratrol has cardio-protective, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, anti-obesity, anti-aging, and anti-cancer properties. They have said that Reveratrol is possibly the best medical discovery of our time; that it is a miracle compound.

Of course, with benefits as fantastic as these, it is only natural for people to think that this is a hoax. Most people believe that no compound can possibly fight all of these things at once. This is where they would be wrong. Reveratrol is truthfully the best natural substance for the body. Although it has been part of the wellness industry for hundreds of years, Reveratrol is only now being recognized by the medical sickness industry as being miraculous. Reveratrol is not a hoax. This natural compound has the potential to change the face of health care as we know it.